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What Are the Life Lessons?

The 32 Life Lessons on higher consciousness at this website are based on the cream of Eastern and Western mystical teachings:


Christian Mysticism and Metaphysics


Judaism and the Kabbala


Buddhism and Zen


Islam and Sufism


Hinduism and Yoga


American Indian Mysticism


Metaphysical systems from East and West

They are organized to show you what higher consciousness is, how to experience it, and how to apply its gifts in many areas of your life. They start with four inspiring Life Lessons on Higher States. Here’s the first Lesson.

Additionally, if you wish to access your higher consciousness in its fullness and personally solve the great Mysteries of your life, you are welcome to receive mystic training online at Mysteries.Net. The first six Mysteries — twelve weeks of precious life-enriching knowledge — are free. Then, if you enjoy the first six Mysteries and benefit from them, you’ll be invited to subscribe to the subsequent Mysteries of Life for a nominal fee. For more information on this free introductory opportunity, please follow this link.

You can help light up the world.

Higher Consciousness 

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